In Conversation with Jessica Moriber

Tell us about your background:

In the early stages of my career I supported women in high level creative and executive roles, eventually becoming a creative producer and founding partner in an events business that primarily serviced fashion, advertising, and lifestyle industries. At the center of all of this was listening, and that led to where I am today – carefully listening to people’s needs and strategizing highly effective ways to get them from A to B. I listen to and support individuals, organizations, companies and teams to get them to where they want to be in their life and in their health through my work as a wellness specialist and behavior change expert.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

I wish that I had known or had been able to embrace that adversity is an opportunity. Rejections, however painful, were actually saving graces to learn from and build on. That you get to decide on what your own True North is, not anyone else. An anecdote to this story — I received a rejection letter to be Mickey Drexler’s Personal Assistant. This was in the height of J Crew's glory days. And if you know me, then you would know, there could not have been a more perfect girl for the job. All of my friends and family assumed it was mine. And yet, I was 100% the wrong girl for the job. Why? Because it was time for me to step out of that kind of supporting role. I just didn't realize it at that moment.

Best career advice you've ever received?

Don't give up, as basic as it seems. It's been the best advice I've ever received. You have got to stay in the game. Don't give up means that there is always a solution, always a way to make it happen.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

Leaders who are able to see the value in each individual and guide them as a team. Qualities like reliability, insightfulness and ability to inspire.

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far?

Navigating and differentiating what coaching, wellness work and behavior changes are like in real life vs. social media. As someone who helps others – the magic happens in real life sessions. It's a process that evolves over time and with nuance and trust. Summing that up in soundbites and tips and tricks that feel authentic and actually helpful is a challenge.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

A blazer, always and forever whether it's part of a suit, over a dress, under a winter coat or with cutoff shorts, a t-shirt, and Birkenstocks. The latter admittedly being my daily uniform.



Instagram: @jessicamoriber


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