In Conversation with Kyra Beckmann

Tell us about your background:

Born and raised in NYC, I've always had a passion for the intersection of art and commerce. As a content production and creative operations expert for over 15 years, I've spent my career dedicated to helping brands, agencies, artists and production companies navigate the ever-evolving landscape of content creation.

After my role as Director of Content Production, Marketing and Creative Operations at Sephora/LVMH, I decided to lean into my entrepreneurial spirit as a senior consultant with brands such as Apple, Google and Airbnb. At these companies, I offer the following services:
- Creative services workflow, operations and scaling
- Management of creative development and execution
- Building systems to support creativity and innovation

I'm grateful to have garnered recognition by D&AD and The One Show as one of the top Executive Producers globally and my work has received numerous awards from the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and the CLIO Awards amongst others.

In my spare time, I love to play tennis, make playlists and cook with my partner.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

That you don't need to have it all figured out! When I was entering the workforce, I had no idea that my current career even existed. Life has a funny way of putting you exactly where you need to be at just the right enjoy the ride.

Best career advice you've ever received?

In the words of legendary artist Keith Haring: "Just remember, the only secret is to believe in it and do it for yourself." Tapping into what brings you genuine joy and purpose is contagious - what a beautiful gift to the world.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

I value the philosophy of servant leadership. Being able to see others strengths and build a team around individual capabilities is intrinsic to success.

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far?

Finding that sweet spot of what Suzy Welch calls career transcendence where your values, aptitudes, and opportunity meet.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

Whatever my latest find is from TheRealReal! To know me is to know my love for the search of a new pair of Manolo's.



Instagram: @kyra.beckmann


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