In Conversation with Georgia Keepax

Tell us about your background:

I have been passionate about knitwear since my BA in Textile Design at Chelsea College of Art and MA in Fashion Knitwear at the Royal College of Art, in London!

After my MA I moved to Paris as Knitwear Designer for Sonia Rykiel, a house where knitwear is key to the DNA, and a great start in my knitwear career journey! I followed that with a move to Givenchy, an historic Parisian fashion house, which gave me an experience of Haute Couture as well as Pret-à-Porter.

A few years later found me on a one-way flight to Milan, to start as Knitwear Designer for Prada (women's). This amazing experience eventually led me back to London, to focus on family, and start work at Stella McCartney, another house where the knitwear is key to the brand. Over 13 years I built up the knitwear to become one of the 3 key categories, building the sales of the collection, and building the knitwear department.

I am now starting on the next part of my journey, launching my own Design consultancy business!

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

There is a lot of Design that you learn with experience but a lot is also instinctive - I wish I had trusted and believed in myself and design instincts more from the beginning!

Best career advice you've ever received?

Trust yourself!

What leadership qualities are important to you?

Integrity, compassion, ability to listen, fearlessness

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

I am probably at the biggest juncture of my career now, stepping somewhat in to the unknown, so this feels like the biggest challenge so far.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

One of my many sweaters - soft and cosy for cold days, colourful for fun days, patterned for cheeky days, chic for business days....



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