In Conversation with Emily Nhaissi

From Left: Jennifer Rome & Pamela Berick

Tell us about your background: 

My name is Emily; I am the co-founder of Craft & Root, a Branding Studio and Digital Agency. I was born in NYC and raised by my single, working, immigrant mother who came to the United States from Israel (which is where most my family lives to this day). Her goal was to keep my sister and me healthy, and give us a great education so we could one day be financially independent and secure. I received many scholarships throughout my education. These scholarships allowed me to go to a private high school where I met my best friend/business partner and even my husband! I have always been a perpetual nerd; I studied Sociology, Women’s and Gender Studies, Photography, and Surface Design. 

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

I wish I had known other women who started a business, and did it successfully. I had an example of strength and persistence in my mother, but no one to really learn from regarding what it’s like to own and run a company. Ariel and I just figured it out along the way!

Best career advice you've ever received?

Just dive in!! You will learn more on the job than you ever would in a classroom.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

Enthusiasm, compassion and clarity. People can sense when you are excited about a project, and tend to mirror that energy. It is also important to create a healthy, positive work environment for people where they feel they can be seen and heard, even when they are having a crappy day. Ultimately, I believe that happy people who know what their mission is, do the best work.

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

Understanding when it is time to be accommodating and when it is time to be assertive. It takes a while to strike the perfect balance between giving people what they want while also setting your boundaries and demanding what you deserve. 

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

A chic yet outrageously comfy onesie. One for each season, and with varying degrees of work appropriateness.  

Instagram: @craftandroot


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