In Conversation with Bianca Kofman

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Tell us about your background: 

Before my career began in the Fashion and Production world, I studied Physical Therapy at San Diego State University with a minor in International Studies. This is where my career story truly began. My minor took me on my first European adventure, and I was hooked on culture, experience and not accepting the glass ceiling. Upon return to my final year, I decided to forgo graduate school for my doctorate and pursue "a fashion career.” I place this within quotes because I did not know the definition of what this was, just that I NEEDED to pursue a career of creativity and innovation with an entrepreneurial spirit.

Let me go back and describe my parents for you, so you will understand where I get my drive and entrepreneurial mind. Both my parents immigrated to the United States. My dad grew up in Kiev and came to the US when he was 13 or 14 and my mom grew up in Germany and also came over when she was a young teen. I grew up in a very cultural family with numerous nationalities, including Russian, German, Cuban, Chinese, Native American, Czech, and African American. The urge to travel and explore culture was just in my blood.

Additionally, my parents came from humble beginnings and I grew up watching my father build everything he has and become a multi-business owner. My dad wanted us kids to have “stable” careers that were “safe,” but it’s not surprising that all of his kids have gone against the grain onto much more entrepreneurial paths. I owe much of my career success from the values instilled in me from my parents and thank them constantly for their continued support.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

I wish I knew that it was okay to fail and not be perfect and to stop comparing myself to others’ success or illusions of success. What we see on the outside it not necessarily the whole story, and it's better to focus on yourself than waste your time envying others.

Best career advice you've ever received?

Start now! You're closer to your goal now than you will be if you start tomorrow.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

Self-motivation, courage, integrity, not afraid to make mistakes or take risks, resourceful

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

The biggest challenge in my career so far was learning my voice and owning it. Once I was able to own my vision, it built a confidence level for myself and my business. Recognizing that and honoring that knowledge through my rates, marketing and proposals changed the game.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

I'm a wardrobe basics gal and live in a well fitting and great feeling pair of high-waisted black jeans.

Instagram: @biancakofman


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