Level up your visibility and impact with Personality Branding with Danielle Hughes, Chief Personality Officer at More Than Words Marketing.
We have all heard the expression, ‘you are your biggest asset.’ So why do so many of us feel reluctant to let our personality shine in business? Maybe it’s because we don’t know how. Or worse, we fear showing too much of ourselves will alienate colleagues or clients. Surprise! It’s actually the opposite. People are hungry for personality. That’s what drives connection.
In this fun, interactive presentation, Danielle will help you develop your Personality Brand (and explain how that differs from a personal one), so you can show up authentically and confidently, attracting the right audience and repelling the wrong one.
As the Chief Personality Officer of More Than Words Marketing, Danielle Hughes helps individuals and institutions to develop their Genuine Personality Brand. This allows you to own and embody your message, feel comfortable expressing it and convey what makes you different from your competition so you can attract the right audience and repel the wrong one.
Danielle’s client list is long and storied, so since she's showing off, it includes companies like Google, PwC, eBay, Discovery Channel, Capital One, Gap, TD Bank, SEO, Columbia University and The Jed Foundation among others.
Often referred to as a magician with words, while she can’t pull a rabbit out of her hat, she can hone your brand message and deadlift you, but not at the same time. That’s just irresponsible. (note: Danielle is available for office party tricks and accepts payment in bottles of Bordeaux.)
*Based on member feedback, we’re shifting our weekly café session to Fridays at 12pm ET, instead of Wednesdays. See you there!
Café Co-Lab's are small, weekly networking groups focused on specific topics. They are an opportunity for co-lab members to connect, share resources , and engage with other members.
All co-lab events are free to members. Zoom details will be posted on the day of the event in our private community Slack in the #cafe-co-lab channel. All questions can be directed to info@jointhecolab.com. To become a member and receive access to these exciting events, join us here.