
I am so happy you're here. A team of volunteers nicknamed 'the co-lab crew' have quickly stepped up to help me (I'm really so humbled) and we are working around the clock to build out this community. If you want to contribute, let us know.

Who are we? We are an inclusive member-led networking group for fashion, beauty, wellness, retail & consumer luxury professionals. Our survey tells us we come from all levels of work experience, ethnicities, ages, genders, and functional areas. We are a very educated bunch and over 90% have a bachelor's degree, masters, or a PhD! More than half earn six figures or more. I am so invigorated by our demographics because I am someone who believes that everyone deserves to have access to meaningful work they are passionate about, regardless of where they come from. 

Why are we here? To bring all of you together, to learn, to collaborate, to share resources, to pivot in the time of life-changing movements in the world, and more. So let's get started, shall we? 

Many of you are familiarizing yourselves with slack, please reach out to us if you need help navigating the channels. We think slack is the best way to communicate on the wide variety of topics we have to talk about! We are also setting up a Facebook page, a LinkedIn page, and you can always find me on Instagram as well. Engage with us in whatever way works best for you. Can't wait to share more soon...

x Kristy


In Conversation with Katie Irving