In Conversation with Will Shen

Tell us about your background: 

I've worked as a leading connector of creatives and brands for years, representing artists of the highest caliber in photography, beauty, style, moving image, creative movement, art direction, illustration and more. I have loved finding and developing new talent over the years, as well as established ones, and connecting them with ideal creative partners in fashion, beauty, media and more, for their content needs.

Now I am focused on representing myself as I look to pivot to a new role, ideally working for a brand, in areas such as creative services, visual content, strategy, curation and more. I'd also love to explore working at a platform, helping them connect with their creators to advocate for themselves and give them the tools they need to succeed and grow their practices further.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

That you can learn as much, or much more, by learning and absorbing from those around you and being a part of a scene or culture as much as any other formal path of learning.

Best career advice you've ever received?

Sometimes it might make sense to see how something might play out rather than take preemptive action.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

Empathy, honesty, care, strategic thinking. Seeing the bigger picture but also caring about the details. Having a clear set of objectives while also being adaptable.

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

I think maybe this moment, as I try to pivot or transition to the next stage of my career. From artist representation to using my experience in new and extensive ways to work for a brand or platform.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

White sneakers.



Instagram: @shensonandhedges


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