In Conversation with Sarah Shapiro


Tell us about your background:

I’ve been obsessed with fashion since elementary school. Growing up in Virginia Beach, VA, I soaked up everything I could from fashion magazines, until I had the opportunity to attend Syracuse University’s Fashion Design program. It was there that I developed my love for retail and merchandising, and embarked on a career that has allowed me to play with both the creative and strategic sides of the business.  

I spent my first ten years after college at Bloomingdale’s, and led product development and buying for a variety of women’s accessories departments. I learned a ton about merchandising and loved my colleagues.  

I left Bloomingdale’s and NYC when my husband’s job took us to San Francisco. In the decade since, I’ve had various roles in merchandising and site merchandising at retailers large and small, from tech start-ups to large national brands. I even became an entrepreneur, founding two businesses -- my latest is Rosie Bold -- where I design and sell fun accessories to inspire young girls to become strong, bold women. My career choices have all built upon each other. After working at a fast-paced venture-backed start-up as the Director of Site Merchandising, I’ve been helping innovative retailers with their DTC and merchandising strategies, most recently with Clorox.  

My love for everything retail also led me to start a weekly newsletter, where I dive deep into industry news and trends. My Retail Diary helps me share my passion with a community of similarly obsessed friends and colleagues. It includes both thought provoking and interesting reads as well as a touch of fun, wit and cheekiness. When I’m not consulting, working on Rosie Bold or exploring new opportunities, you can either find me attempting to help my two little kids (Ava - 7, Max - 5) with zoom school, crafts or sports, baking treats at 10pm or working out in our Peloton gym. 


What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

That I’d have many different careers, and my career path wouldn’t be so obvious. While they all weave together in a really interesting way, it’s not the way I thought it would when I was just starting my career.

Best career advice you've ever received?

Networking can be invaluable for your career, and doesn’t have to be awkward or transactional. I’ve really enjoyed building relationships with people built on shared interests and ideas. 

What leadership qualities are important to you?

The best leaders are more interested in helping those around them do their best work, and are not concerned about their own spotlight. 

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

I wasn’t ready to move from NYC to SF when we did, but being in California has been great for my family and opened up my career to new possibilities. As an entrepreneur I’ve also learned a lot of hard lessons about business. While unexpected and difficult, it feels amazing when you are on the other side!

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

I might live in California now, but I haven’t given up my 95% all black wardrobe (plus a few pops of color - like navy, grey, white and denim.) Favorites would be a black leather jacket, a black cashmere sweater and any pair of black flats that are “classic with a twist.” All paired with denim from Frame, Everlane, Mother or 3x1. 


Twitter: @sarah_shapiro

Rosie Bold website:

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