In Conversation with Mallorie McBride


Tell us about your background:

I was born and raised in a suburb just outside Kansas City and have had a passion for beauty and retail for as long as I can remember. Growing up I had an obsession with Harper’s Bazaar, and applying skincare products I was way too young to be trying. When I was 16, I established my photography business after discovering I had a knack for visual storytelling and connecting with people. Slowly but surely photography became the gateway to the wonderful world of YouTube, blogging, Instagram & all things creative. Digital platforms became my outlet for sharing my love for clothes and products with others. After working at URBN (Anthropologie, Free People, Urban Outfitters) last summer as a Photo & Blog intern I knew this industry was where I needed to be.

I recently graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in Strategic Communications (go Jayhawks!) and had hopes to make the move to New York in order to pursue a career doing social media/content creation in beauty. When that was put on pause I accepted a job as the Media Manager of a small creative agency here in Kansas City called Square Peg Marketing & Branding. I’m looking forward to expanding my skill set in digital media and continuing to make connections until the world calms down a bit.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

Things don’t always go as planned. I had expectations for what I thought post-grad life would look like and every detail has been flipped upside down. But I’ve come to appreciate the unexpected, embrace the unknown and welcome new opportunities. Mindset is everything - especially when you’re a newbie paying your dues :)

Best career advice you've ever received?

Always do more than is asked of you. Go the extra mile and push a little further. You’ll help your team - and your company/brand - in more ways than one.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

To me, a great leader is someone who can effectively balance the line between being approachable yet aspirational, humble yet confident and who pushes you harder yet knows when to acknowledge your achievements. 

What has been the biggest challenge transitioning into the workforce during this time? 

Usually when you graduate college you’re up against your fellow peers for open positions - my graduating class is up against so many more. This has come as an obvious hurdle but one that’s, at least personally, encouraged me to connect with more people, learn new skills and push myself in ways I might not have otherwise. When it all comes down to it, I’m grateful for the opportunities (I’m looking at you, co-lab!) I’ve been presented with over the past few months.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

A black leather jacket (faux, of course). Always. Going casual? Leather jacket. Going out? Leather jacket. Laying around your house while social distancing and want to feel cute? Leather jacket. That is one thing that will never go out of style. A solid white pair of sneakers come in at a close second.View Mal’s work:
Check out her personal YouTube channel:
Follow on IG: (@malloriemcbride)
Connect with her on LinkedIn:


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