In Conversation with Kenny Anderson

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Tell us about your background: 

As a luxury Retail Executive, I grew to be responsible for leading large teams to drive strong financial results while developing compelling assortments that clients continue to enjoy today. Although there is more complexity involved, when asked what I do, my response: “I'm an apparel and luxury goods executive influencer" or very simply "I help people decide what to wear."

I grew up with both parents, the eldest of three - middle-class in Detroit, MI where most people sought to secure work at one of the big three automobile plants, but life had different plans for this 1st generation college graduate. As a business major in Supply Chain Management, believe it or not, I originally sought out a career in Accounting, but a chance encounter led me to discover the fascinating yet challenging world of Retail & Fashion where I would gain exposure to a multitude of options. Planning, Buying & Merchandising would be my pill of choice. My foundation was built on the Retail Executive Program led by Marshall Field’s Department stores which folded in 2005. But the training there ultimately led to my future experience managing various categories of business such as men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, luxury footwear, leather-goods, home, and beauty; and working with creative teams to provide market-specific feedback for optimal success in collection development.

After some time in the Midwest, I was given a great opportunity to move south to Savannah, GA for Hugo Boss (surprising location, I know), and while there I would gain a tremendous amount of experience and knowledge in Retail Merchandising, Planning & Logistics functions. From planning and building assortments for both the full and off-price channel to traveling and opening new stores across the country, the learning curve was tremendous. Soon, my wife and I made the transition to Manhattan during a critical time in the country, the 2009 Recession. It was a true test of leadership and strategy that pulled us through my 1st major business challenge. Fortunately, with a clear vision and a great team, we came out of that situation much stronger on the other side leading to consecutive growth for several years. My responsibilities then grew to include Merchandising for North America e.g., Canada, Mexico, and finally Brazil. Later, the opportunity arose to lead Merchandising as SVP & GMM for Giorgio Armani, an Iconic Italian luxury brand led by a true visionary who has never wavered from his message: "The difference between style and fashion is quality.”

Over the years, I really was able to hone both my leadership, product taste level, visual, digital, and International business knowledge while growing more responsible for Merchandising & Planning for these high-profile European luxury brands. As an advocate of technology in Fashion, I am excited about my most recent projects which involves being a Board Advisor and Consulting a mobile/digital start-up and small businesses which have heightened my strategic, creative, and problem-solving skills. I am learning a ton while staying current with certifications in leadership, digital transformation, marketing, logistics, and fashion.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

To get a MENTOR! It's funny because I had a conversation recently with a fellow industry executive about this. Early in my career, this was something that I hadn't put much focus into. For me, it was about working hard, being credible, being consistent, and delivering results. Needless to say, this approach worked out in my favor, however, had I secured a Mentor, the learning curve would have been much shorter and I would have been able to enjoy significantly more after-work happy hours. But, honestly having someone in your corner to guide your steps is a game changer both professionally and personally.

Best career advice you've ever received?

"As you elevate in your career, remember you are there for a purpose.” This advice resonated with me particularly as I moved along in my career as there were fewer and fewer people represented in corporate that looked like me, especially at the executive level. So, it became my mission to remain focused and steadfast in order to someday be in a position of influence and provide parity to what appeared to me, an obvious imbalance. Glad I was able to move the needle, ever so slightly.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

Having been under various leadership styles, I have come to value and respect leaders who inspire. The most effective leaders are able to identify the talent within each team member and provide purpose driven connections and healthy critique. It makes for a winning formula in a positive yet competitive environment targeted towards exceeding goals and objectives. As I have observed these qualities closely, I aspire to do the same with the team members I am responsible for. As a leader I never consider myself to be "The Boss,” but more of a Coach, and this approach worked well for me with more wins in the financial results scoreboard than losses.

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

Stepping into uncomfortable spaces. The comfort zone is where ZERO growth happens, and I have spent time really reflecting on how much development is missed with that mindset. So, for all the things I'm interested in exploring career-wise, I made it a mission to go for it because, as they say....there's nothing to lose but everything to gain.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

Since I do not wear the color black, my favorite wardrobe staple would have to be a navy blue or grey deconstructed sport coat with functional button holes or "Surgeon Cuffs“. They are my smart casual approach to dressing up or down, and I have developed a strong appreciation for being able to roll up the jacket sleeves during an intense workday session, and then for the evening look refined and polished while out for dinner with family and friends. I have several of these as my ultimate go to item, and although to the naked eye they might appear to be identical, in reality, each one is unique in texture and in purpose. Even if it is just my reality.

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