In Conversation with Destinee Berman

Tell us about your background:

Growth & retention marketer, based out of Austin (formerly in San Francisco) 20+ years of industry experience working with brands such as Twitter, Sephora, Microsoft. Founder of Future Digital, a performance agency specializes in serving B2C femtech, wellness/mental health & beauty with both new customer acquisition (paid social/search) and retention (email/SMS). Prior to Future, I built a seven figure coaching business for health & wellness serving entrepreneurs.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

Building anything worthwhile takes time and patience; make decisions with the long game in mind. Stay true and aligned your interests and experience, even if there are lucrative opportunities to explore.

Best career advice you've ever received?

I have a lot of potential and I can do anything I put my mind to! When leaders, others further ahead have confidence in me and encourage me, tapping into that has moved me forward.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

Strength, resilience, directness

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far? 

Determining when it's appropriate to make shifts & pivots without it being unnecessarily disruptive. Committing to the path I want to continue to evolve and grow into for the long term.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

Veronica Beard dresses



Instagram: @desberman


In Conversation with Nancy Taylor


In Conversation with Alyssa Boren