In Conversation with Averie Brown

Tell us about your background:

Hello, everyone! I’m Averie. I graduated from the University of Oklahoma in PR and Business and am about to complete my Master’s in Marketing from the University of Texas in Dallas.

I’ve managed the marketing for an international staffing company serving the Fort Worth area for the past three years where I develop integrated marketing strategies using social media, email marketing, advertising, and media relations to boost brand awareness and propel business forward.

In my current role, I have increased social media engagement by nearly 800% and was recognized by our International headquarters for designing a virtual referral punch card that generated nearly 300 new applicants, which was developed systemwide across all 800 offices.

I also have experience as an account executive where I led my team in promoting Dress for Success - OKC’s grand reopening, resulting in the organization gaining over 200 new followers during the week of the event.

I recently moved to New York City from Dallas and am excited to further my digital marketing career in the beauty, fashion, or CPG space. I am passionate about helping companies reach new heights by challenging them to think big, think smart, and develop memorable campaigns that drive growth.

The future of marketing excites me, and I can’t wait to see what lies ahead.

What do you wish you’d known when you started out?

I have always been ambitious and passionate about finding a career I love, but I often found myself shying away from going after certain opportunities or reaching out to industry leaders because I believed I was too young to be of interest to others.

Looking back, I wish I had known how willing and eager people are to share their experiences and wisdom, especially with young adults early in their careers. All you have to do is ask!

Best career advice you've ever received?

Network, network, network. Investing in relationships with individuals within and outside your industry opens you up to a wealth of knowledge. From hearing about lessons learned and wisdom gained on career journeys to discussing industry news and hot topics, you become more well-rounded while forming great professional friendships. Also, the more people you meet, the more you are able to use your connections to help others, making you a valuable resource as well.

What leadership qualities are important to you?

I appreciate a leader who is intuitive, trusting, and a good communicator.

Intuition allows leaders to understand what their team and the individuals within it need at that moment to keep everyone moving forward in a positive way. This could be constructive feedback, encouragement, or even just a laugh.

Leaders should be able to trust that their team can get the job done and done well without micromanaging. Knowing someone believes you are capable of accomplishing the task given to you is its own form of encouragement.

Finally, good communication to me means communicating clearly, frequently, and with the understanding that everyone communicates differently. Awareness of various communication styles is a fantastic skill to have in general, especially in a leadership role.

What has been the biggest challenge in your career so far?

My biggest challenge three years into my career has been finding my niche in marketing. The field of marketing is vast and full of avenues to explore. Pinpointing which direction aligns best with my interests, skill set, and future goals has involved stepping out of my comfort zone, furthering my education, lots of research, and connecting with wonderful professionals in the industry. I’m grateful for the opportunities and people I have met along the way that have helped me identify my strengths.

And for fun, what is your favorite wardrobe staple?

A simple pair of black heels that are classy and comfortable. They go with absolutely everything year-round and just make you look and feel like you can do anything. As Marilyn Monroe said, “Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world.”



Instagram: @averiebrown24


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